À Propos de l’Exposition
Née en Éthiopie et aujourd’hui installée en Côte d’Ivoire, Aïda Muluneh crée des photos saisissantes, reflets de son identité nationale, politique et culturelle. Par le biais des métaphores, elle produit des clichés qui dépeignent de manière poétique les diverses facettes de ses expériences en tant qu’Éthiopienne et immigrante. Après avoir quitté son pays alors qu’elle n’était encore qu’une enfant, Aïda Muluneh a grandi au Yémen et en Angleterre, puis a vécu à Chypre et au Canada avant de partir faire ses études universitaires aux États-Unis. Son œuvre reflète son désir profond de partager des perspectives résolument africaines complexes, ainsi que son périple personnel aux quatre coins du monde. Voilà où je suis est une exposition présentant 12 nouvelles œuvres d’Aïda Muluneh (née en 1974 à Addis-Abeba, Éthiopie) qui seront affichées dans plus de 330 arrêts de bus JCDecaux à New York, Boston et Chicago aux États-Unis, et à Abidjan en Côte d’Ivoire.
Pour cette nouvelle série de photos, l’artiste s’est inspirée du texte du poète éthiopien Tsegaye Gabre-Medhin, « Voilà où je suis », écrit en 1974, année de la naissance d’Aïda Muluneh et du début de la Révolution éthiopienne. Le poème et les photos qu’il a inspirées sont profondément personnels. Sur des fonds méticuleusement peints à la main, les photos d’Aïda Muluneh sont autant d’allégories : dépassement de soi face aux épreuves, recherche de la vérité, et résilience d’une nation.
Ces œuvres font référence à divers genres artistiques et influences culturelles : surréalisme, tableaux de la Renaissance, portraits en studio d’Afrique de l’Ouest, fresques murales d’églises éthiopiennes et ornementations corporelles africaines, entre autres. Au centre de ses photos trônent des femmes africaines stoïques, posant majestueusement dans des compositions inspirées de l’iconographie chrétienne où motifs et repères visuels évoquent les structures sociales et formations politiques de son pays natal. Dans les œuvres hautement symboliques d’Aïda Muluneh, des motifs comme les clés, les chaises et les étoiles côtoient des accessoires servant de références culturelles comme les djebenah, récipients éthiopiens traditionnels utilisés pour la cérémonie du café. Pour Aïda Muluneh, l’œil, qui revient sans cesse dans son travail, renvoie aux façons dont les gens réagissent aux événements historiques, en témoignent ou s’en détournent. À la fois porteuse d’espoir et instigatrice de débat franc et honnête, l’exposition Voilà où je suis est l’hommage vibrant d’Aïda Muluneh à son pays d’origine, l’Éthiopie.
Déclaration de l’artiste
Le silence assourdissant de la guerre et de la mort résonne constamment dans mon esprit. Pour beaucoup, nous sommes les simples spectateurs de l’effondrement de mondes distants, éloignés d’une réalité dont nous ne sommes que des observateurs impuissants… nos mots sont des boucliers de vertu et de droiture, mais nos actions sont des gestes vides de lâches. À l’époque dans laquelle nous vivons, ceux qui n’ont pas notre chance naviguent entre mort et destruction, car l’histoire est le témoin, et la guerre n’engendre jamais de vainqueurs, seulement des voies pour les puissants qui sont pavées du sang d’autrui. En tant qu’artistes, nous ne pouvons pas éviter de réfléchir à ces moments de l’histoire car il est difficile d’enfouir notre tristesse dans la logique ou les croyances. Je ne prends parti pour personne et je n’ai pas la prétention de comprendre les souffrances des endeuillés ni les motivations de ceux qui sont prêts à tout pour le pouvoir. Je sais que dans les larmes plaintives d’une mère effondrée, seuls subsistent ceux qui ont l’incertitude pour unique horizon. Où que nous soyons sur cette planète, le conflit d’un pays répand la haine et la colère. Le fléau que sont les conflits sans fin déchire l’humanité depuis la nuit des temps, le plus souvent au nom de la préservation de la suprématie. Et pourtant, il est difficile de ne pas reconnaître qu’ils étaient nécessaires, qu’ils ont permis la victoire. Nous nous cachons derrière un voile de mélancolie, sidérés par le sort des moins fortunés que nous, ceux dont l’innocence a été mise en pièce et pour qui un avenir plein d’espoir n’est plus qu’un souvenir.
Je n’ai pas de mots pour exprimer la tristesse qui m’habite ou la faiblesse que je ressens face au monde qui m’entoure. Car, dans le confort de ma vie, le sentiment d’impuissance qui m’envahit face à ceux qui sont frappés de malheur est en fait une faiblesse. Pour ceux qui persistent à rechercher une sécurité corrompue par l’injustice du temps et des circonstances impitoyables. Alors, je ne peux être qu’un miroir des victimes sans voix, un miroir qui remet en question la perte de notre humanité collective, une humanité qui se cache encore et toujours derrière le brouillard des privilèges et du confort alors que ceux qui ont moins de chance doivent faire face jour après jour à un avenir incertain. Quand un conflit bat son plein, il n’y a pas de bon ou de mauvais camp… pour moi, la frontière est floue et je ne sais plus où sont tous les acteurs de ces drames, mais je sais une chose : voilà où je suis.
—Aïda Muluneh
À Propos de l’Artiste
Aïda Muluneh (née en 1974 en Éthiopie) vit et travaille à Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. Ses œuvres ont été exposées dans de nombreux pays, notamment en Afrique du Sud, au Mali, au Sénégal, en Égypte, au Canada, aux États-Unis, en France, en Allemagne, en Angleterre, en Norvège et en Chine. Certaines d’entre elles font partie des collections permanentes du Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), du Smithsonian’s National Museum of African Art, du Hood Museum, du RISD Museum of Art, et du Museum of Biblical Art des États-Unis. Son travail a été récompensé par de nombreux prix : prix de l’Union Européenne à la Biennale Africaine de la Photographie à Bamako, Mali, en 2007 ; prix international de la photographie du CRAF à Spilimbergo, Italie, en 2010 ; prix de la conservation de la Royal Photographic Society en 2020 ; bourse CatchLight Fellowship à San Francisco, États-Unis, en 2018. En 2019, elle a aussi été la première femme noire à devenir co-commissaire de l’exposition consacrée au Prix Nobel de la Paix, tout en endossant le rôle d’ambassadrice de Canon Europe. Aïda Muluneh est diplômée de Howard University à Washington D.C. (spécialisation en cinéma). Elle a fondé l’Addis Foto Fest, l’un des plus importants festivals de photographie d’Afrique.
Aïda Muluneh est la fondatrice de l’Africa Foto Fair 2022 (8 décembre 2022 – 26 mars 2023 à Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire). L’Efie Gallery de Dubaï, Émirats Arabes Unis, a accueilli son exposition en solo, Aïda Muluneh: The Art of Advocacy (Aïda Muluneh : l’art du plaidoyer), du 12 janvier au 24 février 2023.
Installation Images
En Coulisses
Sites à Abidjan
"All things considered (Tout compte fait)"
Avenue Franchet d'Esperey Institut Français (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "All things considered (Tout compte fait)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"All things considered (Tout compte fait)"
Bd VGE Kabalane A (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "All things considered (Tout compte fait)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"All things considered (Tout compte fait)"
Bd de Marseille en face de l'OSER (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "All things considered (Tout compte fait)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"If they come for me in the morning (S'ils viennent me chercher au petit matin)"
Bd de la République Primature (Ex Cash Center) A (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "If they come for me in the morning (S'ils viennent me chercher au petit matin)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"If they come for me in the morning (S'ils viennent me chercher au petit matin)"
Route de BASSAM 33ème arrondissement A (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "If they come for me in the morning (S'ils viennent me chercher au petit matin)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"If they come for me in the morning (S'ils viennent me chercher au petit matin)"
Voie Express Université Nangui Abrogoua Sens B (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "If they come for me in the morning (S'ils viennent me chercher au petit matin)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"On remembrance of wrongs (Au souvenir des injustices)"
Avenue Marchand 60 Logements (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "On remembrance of wrongs (Au souvenir des injustices)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"On remembrance of wrongs (Au souvenir des injustices)"
Route de BASSAM 43 ème BIMA A (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "On remembrance of wrongs (Au souvenir des injustices)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"On remembrance of wrongs (Au souvenir des injustices)"
Centre Commercial Cosmos Cosmos Sens B (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "On remembrance of wrongs (Au souvenir des injustices)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The faith of fate (Le foi du destin)"
Bd des Martyrs Residence Les papayers (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The faith of fate (Le foi du destin)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The faith of fate (Le foi du destin)"
Bd Angoulvant Cathédrale Saint Paul (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The faith of fate (Le foi du destin)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The faith of fate (Le foi du destin)"
Bd de l'Université SODEMI (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The faith of fate (Le foi du destin)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The Judgment (Le Jugement)"
Bd Arsène Usher Assouan Collège Ardoise (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The Judgment (Le Jugement)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The Judgment (Le Jugement)"
Bd Nangui Abrogoua Musée du Plateau (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The Judgment (Le Jugement)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The Judgment (Le Jugement)"
Liberté (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The Judgment (Le Jugement)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The stubborn will of darkness and light (La volonté farouche des ténèbres et de la lumière)"
Avenue Marchand Laboratoire Longchamp (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The stubborn will of darkness and light (La volonté farouche des ténèbres et de la lumière)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The stubborn will of darkness and light (La volonté farouche des ténèbres et de la lumière)"
Route de BASSAM Terminus Anani A1 (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The stubborn will of darkness and light (La volonté farouche des ténèbres et de la lumière)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The stubborn will of darkness and light (La volonté farouche des ténèbres et de la lumière)"
Centre Commercial Cosmos Cosmos Sens B (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The stubborn will of darkness and light (La volonté farouche des ténèbres et de la lumière)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The weakness of power (La faiblesse du pouvoir)"
Bd de la République Primature (Ex Cash Center) A (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The weakness of power (La faiblesse du pouvoir)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The weakness of power (La faiblesse du pouvoir)"
Bd VGE Carrefour Akwaba A (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The weakness of power (La faiblesse du pouvoir)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The weakness of power (La faiblesse du pouvoir)"
Voie Express Université Nangui Abrogoua Sens A (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The weakness of power (La faiblesse du pouvoir)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The widows of the night (Les veuves de la nuit)"
Bd de la République Présidence (Ex PTT) (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The widows of the night (Les veuves de la nuit)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The widows of the night (Les veuves de la nuit)"
Bd VGE CIE Bia Sud Sens B (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The widows of the night (Les veuves de la nuit)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The widows of the night (Les veuves de la nuit)"
Voie Express Université Nangui Abrogoua Sens A (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The widows of the night (Les veuves de la nuit)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"They know me not (Ils ne me connaissent pas)"
Bd des Martyrs Latrille - Las Palmas A (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "They know me not (Ils ne me connaissent pas)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"They know me not (Ils ne me connaissent pas)"
Bd de l'Université ISTC A (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "They know me not (Ils ne me connaissent pas)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"They know me not (Ils ne me connaissent pas)"
Bd Angoulvant IMMEUBLE SOGEPHIA HEVEA A (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "They know me not (Ils ne me connaissent pas)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"This is where I am (Voilà où je suis)"
Bd des Martyrs Latrille - Hotel Communal (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "This is where I am (Voilà où je suis)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"This is where I am (Voilà où je suis)"
Bd Angoulvant IMMEUBLE SOGEPHIA HEVEA B (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "This is where I am (Voilà où je suis)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"This is where I am (Voilà où je suis)"
Bd de l'Université Cité des arts A2 (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "This is where I am (Voilà où je suis)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To pursue the ceaseless way (Continuer sur le chemin fini)"
Bd des Martyrs Latrille - Las Palmas B (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "To pursue the ceaseless way (Continuer sur le chemin fini)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To pursue the ceaseless way (Continuer sur le chemin fini)"
Bd Angoulvant Cathédrale Saint Paul (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "To pursue the ceaseless way (Continuer sur le chemin fini)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To pursue the ceaseless way (Continuer sur le chemin fini)"
Bd Latrille Lycée Classique A (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "To pursue the ceaseless way (Continuer sur le chemin fini)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To speak in silence (Parler en silence)"
Bd de France Term Marché de Cocody B (Directions)
Aida Muluneh "To speak in silence (Parler en silence)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aida Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1 – May 21, 2023
"To speak in silence (Parler en silence)"
Avenue Jean Paul II Arrêts Tours Administratives (Directions)
Aida Muluneh "To speak in silence (Parler en silence)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aida Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1 – May 21, 2023
"To speak in silence (Parler en silence)"
Bd Nangui Abrogoua Mairie Adjamé A (Directions)
Aida Muluneh "To speak in silence (Parler en silence)", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aida Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1 – May 21, 2023
Sites à New York
"All things considered"
Aïda Muluneh, "All things considered", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"All things considered"
Aïda Muluneh, "All things considered", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"All things considered"
MORRIS AV, BETWEEN E 161 ST & E 158 ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "All things considered", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"All things considered"
Aïda Muluneh, "All things considered", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"All things considered"
BROADWAY, BETWEEN W 115 ST & W 116 ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "All things considered", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"All things considered"
E 14TH ST & AVE A (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "All things considered", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"All things considered"
21 ST, BETWEEN 28 AV & 27 RD (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "All things considered", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"All things considered"
Aïda Muluneh, "All things considered", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"If they come for me in the morning"
Aïda Muluneh, "If they come for me in the morning", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"If they come for me in the morning"
3RD AV, BETWEEN E 154TH & E 153RD (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "If they come for me in the morning", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"If they come for me in the morning"
1ST AV, BETWEEN E 89 ST & E 90 ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "If they come for me in the morning", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"If they come for me in the morning"
Aïda Muluneh, "If they come for me in the morning", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"If they come for me in the morning"
WEST END AV, @ W 70 ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "If they come for me in the morning", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"If they come for me in the morning"
COLUMBUS AV, BETWEEN W 108 ST & W 107 ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "If they come for me in the morning", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"If they come for me in the morning"
30TH AV, BETWEEN 36 ST & 35 ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "If they come for me in the morning", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"If they come for me in the morning"
Aïda Muluneh, "If they come for me in the morning", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"On remembrance of wrongs"
Aïda Muluneh, "On remembrance of wrongs", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"On remembrance of wrongs"
Aïda Muluneh, "On remembrance of wrongs", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"On remembrance of wrongs"
MORRIS AVE BETWEEN E 165 ST & E 166 ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "On remembrance of wrongs", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"On remembrance of wrongs"
E 96TH ST @ 2ND AVE (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "On remembrance of wrongs", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"On remembrance of wrongs"
AMSTERDAM AV BETWEEN W 96 ST & W 97 ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "On remembrance of wrongs", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"On remembrance of wrongs"
125 ST, BETWEEN FREDERICK DOUG. & A.C. (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "On remembrance of wrongs", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"On remembrance of wrongs"
HOYT AV BETWEEN 31 ST & 29 ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "On remembrance of wrongs", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"On remembrance of wrongs"
Aïda Muluneh, "On remembrance of wrongs", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The faith of fate"
Aïda Muluneh, "The faith of fate", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The faith of fate"
Aïda Muluneh, "The faith of fate", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The faith of fate"
PROSPECT AV @ 152ND STREET (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The faith of fate", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The faith of fate"
BAINBRIDGE AV BETWEEN 204 ST & 206 ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The faith of fate", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The faith of fate"
Aïda Muluneh, "The faith of fate", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The faith of fate"
Aïda Muluneh, "The faith of fate", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The faith of fate"
BROADWAY BETWEEN 105 ST & 106 ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The faith of fate", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The faith of fate"
STEINWAY ST, BETWEEN 28 AV & 30 AV (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The faith of fate", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The Judgement"
Aïda Muluneh, "The Judgement", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The Judgement"
ST ANNS AV @ E 146 STREET (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The Judgement", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The Judgement"
2ND AVE @ E 94TH ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The Judgement", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The Judgement"
Aïda Muluneh, "The Judgement", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The Judgement"
W 110 ST @ MORNINGSIDE DRIVE (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The Judgement", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The Judgement"
BROADWAY BETWEEN W 91 ST & W 92 ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The Judgement", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The Judgement"
DITMARS BLVD BETWEEN 45 ST & 43 ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The Judgement", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The Judgement"
21 ST BETWEEN 28 AV & 29 AV (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The Judgement", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The stubborn will of darkness and light"
Aïda Muluneh, "The stubborn will of darkness and light", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The stubborn will of darkness and light"
Aïda Muluneh, "The stubborn will of darkness and light", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The stubborn will of darkness and light"
Aïda Muluneh, "The stubborn will of darkness and light", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The stubborn will of darkness and light"
MORRIS AV BETWEEN E 158 ST & E 156 ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The stubborn will of darkness and light", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The stubborn will of darkness and light"
Aïda Muluneh, "The stubborn will of darkness and light", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The stubborn will of darkness and light"
WEST END AV BETWEEN W 64 ST & W 63 ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The stubborn will of darkness and light", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The stubborn will of darkness and light"
CENTRAL PARK @ W 100 STREET (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The stubborn will of darkness and light", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The stubborn will of darkness and light"
Aïda Muluneh, "The stubborn will of darkness and light", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The stubborn will of darkness and light"
Aïda Muluneh, "The stubborn will of darkness and light", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The weakness of power"
Aïda Muluneh, "The weakness of power", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The weakness of power"
Aïda Muluneh, "The weakness of power", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The weakness of power"
WEBSTER AV BETWEEN 204 ST & 205 ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The weakness of power", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The weakness of power"
Aïda Muluneh, "The weakness of power", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The weakness of power"
Aïda Muluneh, "The weakness of power", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The weakness of power"
W 135 ST @RIVERSIDE (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The weakness of power", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The weakness of power"
2 AVE @ E 86 ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The weakness of power", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The weakness of power"
AMSTERDAM AV BETWEEN W 59 ST & W 60 ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The weakness of power", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The weakness of power"
35TH AV BETWEEN 31 ST & 30 ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The weakness of power", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The widows of the night"
Aïda Muluneh, "The widows of the night", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The widows of the night"
Aïda Muluneh, "The widows of the night", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The widows of the night"
Aïda Muluneh, "The widows of the night", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The widows of the night"
COLUMBUS AV BETWEEN W 94 ST & W 93 ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The widows of the night", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The widows of the night"
YORK AV BETWEEN E 88 ST & E 87 ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The widows of the night", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The widows of the night"
ADAM C POWELL JR BLVD @ W 128 (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The widows of the night", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The widows of the night"
Aïda Muluneh, "The widows of the night", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The widows of the night"
21 ST BETWEEN ASTORIA & 27 RD (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The widows of the night", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"They know me not"
Aïda Muluneh, "They know me not", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"They know me not"
E 138 ST @ ST ANNS AVE (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "They know me not", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"They know me not"
BRONXWOOD AV BETWEEN E 218 ST & E 217 ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "They know me not", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"They know me not"
Aïda Muluneh, "They know me not", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"They know me not"
ST NICHOLAS AV @ W 135 STREET (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "They know me not", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"They know me not"
AMSTERDAM AV BETWEEN W 91 ST & W 92 ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "They know me not", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"They know me not"
Aïda Muluneh, "They know me not", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"They know me not"
Aïda Muluneh, "They know me not", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"This is where I am"
Aïda Muluneh, "This is where I am", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"This is where I am"
Aïda Muluneh, "This is where I am", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"This is where I am"
Aïda Muluneh, "This is where I am", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"This is where I am"
Aïda Muluneh, "This is where I am", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"This is where I am"
BAINBRIDGE AV @ E 204 STREET (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "This is where I am", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"This is where I am"
96 ST @ AMSTERDAM AVENUE (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "This is where I am", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"This is where I am"
Aïda Muluneh, "This is where I am", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"This is where I am"
Aïda Muluneh, "This is where I am", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"This is where I am"
STEINWAY ST BETWEEN 28 AV & 25 AV (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "This is where I am", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"This is where I am"
Aïda Muluneh, "This is where I am", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To pursue the ceaseless way"
Aïda Muluneh, "To pursue the ceaseless way", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To pursue the ceaseless way"
Aïda Muluneh, "To pursue the ceaseless way", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To pursue the ceaseless way"
MORRIS AV BETWEEN E 140TH & E 139TH (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "To pursue the ceaseless way", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To pursue the ceaseless way"
Aïda Muluneh, "To pursue the ceaseless way", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To pursue the ceaseless way"
Aïda Muluneh, "To pursue the ceaseless way", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To pursue the ceaseless way"
1ST AV BETWEEN E 17 ST & E 16 ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "To pursue the ceaseless way", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To pursue the ceaseless way"
ADAM C POWELL JR BLVD BETWEEN W 126 ST & W 125 ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "To pursue the ceaseless way", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To pursue the ceaseless way"
BROADWAY BETWEEN W 114 ST & W 113 ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "To pursue the ceaseless way", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To speak in silence"
Aïda Muluneh, "To speak in silence", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To speak in silence"
Aïda Muluneh, "To speak in silence", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To speak in silence"
Aïda Muluneh, "To speak in silence", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To speak in silence"
Aïda Muluneh, "To speak in silence", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To speak in silence"
Aïda Muluneh, "To speak in silence", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To speak in silence"
2ND AVE @ E 95TH ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "To speak in silence", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To speak in silence"
110 ST @ BROADWAY (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "To speak in silence", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To speak in silence"
30TH AV BETWEEN 31 ST & 30 ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "To speak in silence", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
Sites à Chicago
"All things considered"
STATE & CERMACK (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "All things considered", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"All things considered"
MICHIGAN & OAK (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "All things considered", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"All things considered"
COTTAGE GROVE & 59TH (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "All things considered", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"All things considered"
Aïda Muluneh, "All things considered", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"All things considered"
WILSON & SHERIDAN (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "All things considered", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"All things considered"
DAMEN & WEBSTER (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "All things considered", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"All things considered"
DAMEN & POLK (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "All things considered", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"All things considered"
87TH & HALSTED (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "All things considered", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"All things considered"
SHERIDAN & LOYOLA (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "All things considered", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"All things considered"
Aïda Muluneh, "All things considered", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"All things considered"
76TH & S LOOMIS (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "All things considered", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"All things considered"
Aïda Muluneh, "All things considered", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"All things considered"
Aïda Muluneh, "All things considered", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"If they come for me in the morning"
Aïda Muluneh, "If they come for me in the morning", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"If they come for me in the morning"
WALLACE & 35TH ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "If they come for me in the morning", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"If they come for me in the morning"
STONY ISLAND & 57TH (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "If they come for me in the morning", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"If they come for me in the morning"
CLARK & ADAMS (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "If they come for me in the morning", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"If they come for me in the morning"
LASALLE & BURTON (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "If they come for me in the morning", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"If they come for me in the morning"
STATE & GRAND (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "If they come for me in the morning", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"If they come for me in the morning"
Aïda Muluneh, "If they come for me in the morning", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"If they come for me in the morning"
87TH & WESTERN (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "If they come for me in the morning", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"If they come for me in the morning"
Aïda Muluneh, "If they come for me in the morning", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"If they come for me in the morning"
NORTH & KOSTNER (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "If they come for me in the morning", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"If they come for me in the morning"
Aïda Muluneh, "If they come for me in the morning", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"If they come for me in the morning"
CALIFORNIA &24TH (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "If they come for me in the morning", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"If they come for me in the morning"
Aïda Muluneh, "If they come for me in the morning", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"On remembrance of wrongs"
Aïda Muluneh, "On remembrance of wrongs", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"On remembrance of wrongs"
ROOSEVELT & CANAL (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "On remembrance of wrongs", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"On remembrance of wrongs"
SOUTH SHORE & 79TH (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "On remembrance of wrongs", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"On remembrance of wrongs"
Aïda Muluneh, "On remembrance of wrongs", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"On remembrance of wrongs"
HALSTED & 33RD (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "On remembrance of wrongs", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"On remembrance of wrongs"
SHERIDAN & ESTES (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "On remembrance of wrongs", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"On remembrance of wrongs"
AUSTIN & CHICAGO (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "On remembrance of wrongs", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"On remembrance of wrongs"
ASHLAND & 81ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "On remembrance of wrongs", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"On remembrance of wrongs"
STONY ISLAND & 69TH (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "On remembrance of wrongs", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"On remembrance of wrongs"
Aïda Muluneh, "On remembrance of wrongs", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"On remembrance of wrongs"
Aïda Muluneh, "On remembrance of wrongs", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"On remembrance of wrongs"
Aïda Muluneh, "On remembrance of wrongs", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"On remembrance of wrongs"
Aïda Muluneh, "On remembrance of wrongs", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The faith of fate"
Aïda Muluneh, "The faith of fate", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The faith of fate"
HALSTED & 31ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The faith of fate", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The faith of fate"
Aïda Muluneh, "The faith of fate", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The faith of fate"
ASHLAND & GRAND (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The faith of fate", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The faith of fate"
Aïda Muluneh, "The faith of fate", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The faith of fate"
63RD ST & DORCHESTER (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The faith of fate", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The faith of fate"
Aïda Muluneh, "The faith of fate", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The faith of fate"
Aïda Muluneh, "The faith of fate", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The faith of fate"
Aïda Muluneh, "The faith of fate", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The faith of fate"
95TH & ASHLAND (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The faith of fate", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The faith of fate"
Aïda Muluneh, "The faith of fate", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The faith of fate"
Aïda Muluneh, "The faith of fate", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The faith of fate"
Aïda Muluneh, "The faith of fate", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The Judgement"
Aïda Muluneh, "The Judgement", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The Judgement"
LAFAYETTE & 87TH (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The Judgement", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The Judgement"
ARCHER & THROOP (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The Judgement", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The Judgement"
Aïda Muluneh, "The Judgement", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The Judgement"
Aïda Muluneh, "The Judgement", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The Judgement"
Aïda Muluneh, "The Judgement", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The Judgement"
DAMEN & 79TH (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The Judgement", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The Judgement"
SHERIDAN & LOYOLA (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The Judgement", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The Judgement"
Aïda Muluneh, "The Judgement", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The Judgement"
MICHIGAN & 9TH ST. (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The Judgement", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The Judgement"
DAMEN & CARROLL (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The Judgement", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The Judgement"
Aïda Muluneh, "The Judgement", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The Judgement"
SOUTH SHORE & 75TH (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The Judgement", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The stubborn will of darkness and light"
Aïda Muluneh, "The stubborn will of darkness and light", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The stubborn will of darkness and light"
ADAMS & WELLS (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The stubborn will of darkness and light", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The stubborn will of darkness and light"
ASHLAND & 87TH (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The stubborn will of darkness and light", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The stubborn will of darkness and light"
CLARK & PETERSON (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The stubborn will of darkness and light", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The stubborn will of darkness and light"
HOWARD & SHERIDAN (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The stubborn will of darkness and light", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The stubborn will of darkness and light"
WESTERN & 35TH ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The stubborn will of darkness and light", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The stubborn will of darkness and light"
CHICAGO & DAMEN (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The stubborn will of darkness and light", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The stubborn will of darkness and light"
Aïda Muluneh, "The stubborn will of darkness and light", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The stubborn will of darkness and light"
STATE & 31ST ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The stubborn will of darkness and light", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The stubborn will of darkness and light"
W NORTH AVE (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The stubborn will of darkness and light", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The stubborn will of darkness and light"
MADISON & PULASKI (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The stubborn will of darkness and light", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The stubborn will of darkness and light"
MICHIGAN & ERIE (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The stubborn will of darkness and light", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The stubborn will of darkness and light"
Aïda Muluneh, "The stubborn will of darkness and light", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The weakness of power"
Aïda Muluneh, "The weakness of power", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The weakness of power"
CHICAGO & KEDZIE (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The weakness of power", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The weakness of power"
ROOSEVELT & HOMAN (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The weakness of power", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The weakness of power"
BLUE ISLAND & DAMEN (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The weakness of power", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The weakness of power"
HALSTED & 81ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The weakness of power", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The weakness of power"
Aïda Muluneh, "The weakness of power", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The weakness of power"
GRAND & MCCLURG (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The weakness of power", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The weakness of power"
LASALLE & MAPLE (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The weakness of power", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The weakness of power"
LASALLE & QUINCY (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The weakness of power", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The weakness of power"
DIVERSEY & 2049 WEST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The weakness of power", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The weakness of power"
ROOSEVELT & CANAL (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The weakness of power", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The weakness of power"
Aïda Muluneh, "The weakness of power", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The widows of the night"
LASALLE & MADISON (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The widows of the night", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The widows of the night"
HALSTED & 83RD (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The widows of the night", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The widows of the night"
Aïda Muluneh, "The widows of the night", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The widows of the night"
Aïda Muluneh, "The widows of the night", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The widows of the night"
Aïda Muluneh, "The widows of the night", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The widows of the night"
DAMEN & BLUE ISLAND (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The widows of the night", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The widows of the night"
NORTH & LARRABEE (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The widows of the night", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The widows of the night"
Aïda Muluneh, "The widows of the night", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The widows of the night"
CHICAGO & LAMON (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The widows of the night", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The widows of the night"
67TH & JEFFERY (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The widows of the night", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The widows of the night"
CLARK & LUNT (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The widows of the night", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The widows of the night"
WENTWORTH & 35TH (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The widows of the night", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"They know me not"
Aïda Muluneh, "They know me not", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"They know me not"
CERMAK & THROOP (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "They know me not", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"They know me not"
HARRISON & MORGAN (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "They know me not", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"They know me not"
CLARK & 18TH (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "They know me not", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"They know me not"
CLARK & DEVON (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "They know me not", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"They know me not"
59TH & ELLIS (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "They know me not", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"They know me not"
LARAMIE & NORTH (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "They know me not", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"They know me not"
95TH & LOOMIS (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "They know me not", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"They know me not"
Aïda Muluneh, "They know me not", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"They know me not"
Aïda Muluneh, "They know me not", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"They know me not"
KEDZIE & JACKSON (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "They know me not", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"They know me not"
Aïda Muluneh, "They know me not", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"This is where I am"
STONY ISLAND & 76TH (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "This is where I am", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"This is where I am"
LAKESHORE & NORTH (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "This is where I am", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"This is where I am"
GARFIELD & KING DR. (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "This is where I am", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"This is where I am"
CANAL & RANDOLPH (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "This is where I am", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"This is where I am"
CLARK & CHICAGO (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "This is where I am", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"This is where I am"
ROOSEVELT & WOOD (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "This is where I am", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"This is where I am"
Aïda Muluneh, "This is where I am", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"This is where I am"
STATE & MONROE (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "This is where I am", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"This is where I am"
87TH ST & RACINE (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "This is where I am", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"This is where I am"
Aïda Muluneh, "This is where I am", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"This is where I am"
ASHLAND & ARCHER (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "This is where I am", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"This is where I am"
KING DRIVE & 25TH ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "This is where I am", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To pursue the ceaseless way"
CERMAK & HALSTED (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "To pursue the ceaseless way", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To pursue the ceaseless way"
KING DR. & 47TH ST. (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "To pursue the ceaseless way", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To pursue the ceaseless way"
79TH ST & ABERDEEN (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "To pursue the ceaseless way", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To pursue the ceaseless way"
Aïda Muluneh, "To pursue the ceaseless way", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To pursue the ceaseless way"
HALSTED & 14TH PLACE (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "To pursue the ceaseless way", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To pursue the ceaseless way"
WESTERN AVE & GRAND (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "To pursue the ceaseless way", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To pursue the ceaseless way"
CHICAGO & LEAVITT (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "To pursue the ceaseless way", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To pursue the ceaseless way"
MADISON & KEDZIE (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "To pursue the ceaseless way", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To pursue the ceaseless way"
ADAMS & WACKER (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "To pursue the ceaseless way", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To pursue the ceaseless way"
CHICAGO & PULASKI (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "To pursue the ceaseless way", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To pursue the ceaseless way"
WESTERN & CERMACK (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "To pursue the ceaseless way", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To pursue the ceaseless way"
CHICAGO & WESTERN (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "To pursue the ceaseless way", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To speak in silence"
79TH & LAFAYETTE (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "To speak in silence", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To speak in silence"
KING DR & 35TH ST. (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "To speak in silence", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To speak in silence"
GRAND & FAIRBANKS (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "To speak in silence", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To speak in silence"
DAMEN & 18TH (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "To speak in silence", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To speak in silence"
Aïda Muluneh, "To speak in silence", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To speak in silence"
Aïda Muluneh, "To speak in silence", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To speak in silence"
Aïda Muluneh, "To speak in silence", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To speak in silence"
SOUTH SHORE & 71ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "To speak in silence", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To speak in silence"
STATE & JACKSON (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "To speak in silence", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To speak in silence"
Aïda Muluneh, "To speak in silence", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To speak in silence"
87TH & DAMEN (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "To speak in silence", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To speak in silence"
SOUTH SHORE & 75TH (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "To speak in silence", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
Sites à Boston
"All things considered"
Aïda Muluneh, "All things considered", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"All things considered"
Aïda Muluneh, "All things considered", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"All things considered"
COLUMBIA RD & BIRD ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "All things considered", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"All things considered"
Aïda Muluneh, "All things considered", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"All things considered"
Aïda Muluneh, "All things considered", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"If they come for me in the morning"
Aïda Muluneh, "If they come for me in the morning", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"If they come for me in the morning"
Aïda Muluneh, "If they come for me in the morning", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"If they come for me in the morning"
Aïda Muluneh, "If they come for me in the morning", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"If they come for me in the morning"
Aïda Muluneh, "If they come for me in the morning", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"If they come for me in the morning"
COMM AVE & GRANBY ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "If they come for me in the morning", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"On remembrance of wrongs"
Aïda Muluneh, "On remembrance of wrongs", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"On remembrance of wrongs"
Aïda Muluneh, "On remembrance of wrongs", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"On remembrance of wrongs"
Aïda Muluneh, "On remembrance of wrongs", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"On remembrance of wrongs"
Aïda Muluneh, "On remembrance of wrongs", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The faith of fate"
Aïda Muluneh, "The faith of fate", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The faith of fate"
Aïda Muluneh, "The faith of fate", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The faith of fate"
Aïda Muluneh, "The faith of fate", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The faith of fate"
Aïda Muluneh, "The faith of fate", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The Judgement"
Aïda Muluneh, "The Judgement", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The Judgement"
Aïda Muluneh, "The Judgement", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The Judgement"
Aïda Muluneh, "The Judgement", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The Judgement"
COMM AVE & BUICK ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The Judgement", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The stubborn will of darkness and light"
Aïda Muluneh, "The stubborn will of darkness and light", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The stubborn will of darkness and light"
Aïda Muluneh, "The stubborn will of darkness and light", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The stubborn will of darkness and light"
Aïda Muluneh, "The stubborn will of darkness and light", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The stubborn will of darkness and light"
Aïda Muluneh, "The stubborn will of darkness and light", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The weakness of power"
775 SUMMER ST & ELKINS ST (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The weakness of power", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The weakness of power"
Aïda Muluneh, "The weakness of power", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The weakness of power"
Aïda Muluneh, "The weakness of power", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The weakness of power"
Aïda Muluneh, "The weakness of power", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The widows of the night"
Aïda Muluneh, "The widows of the night", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The widows of the night"
Aïda Muluneh, "The widows of the night", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The widows of the night"
Aïda Muluneh, "The widows of the night", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"The widows of the night"
BLUE HILL AVE & GLEN RD (Directions)
Aïda Muluneh, "The widows of the night", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"They know me not"
Aïda Muluneh, "They know me not", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"They know me not"
Aïda Muluneh, "They know me not", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"They know me not"
Aïda Muluneh, "They know me not", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"They know me not"
Aïda Muluneh, "They know me not", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"This is where I am"
Aïda Muluneh, "This is where I am", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"This is where I am"
Aïda Muluneh, "This is where I am", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"This is where I am"
Aïda Muluneh, "This is where I am", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"This is where I am"
Aïda Muluneh, "This is where I am", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To pursue the ceaseless way"
Aïda Muluneh, "To pursue the ceaseless way", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To pursue the ceaseless way"
Aïda Muluneh, "To pursue the ceaseless way", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To pursue the ceaseless way"
Aïda Muluneh, "To pursue the ceaseless way", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To pursue the ceaseless way"
Aïda Muluneh, "To pursue the ceaseless way", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To speak in silence"
Aïda Muluneh, "To speak in silence", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To speak in silence"
Aïda Muluneh, "To speak in silence", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To speak in silence"
Aïda Muluneh, "To speak in silence", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
"To speak in silence"
Aïda Muluneh, "To speak in silence", 2022 Courtesy the artist Artwork a part of "Aïda Muluneh: This is Where I am", presented by Public Art Fund on over 330 JCDecaux bus shelters across New York City, Chicago, and Boston in the United States, and Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire on view from March 1–May 21, 2023
Leadership support for Aïda Muluneh: This is where I am is provided by Jennifer & Jason New and The Kaleta A. Doolin Foundation with major support from the David C. & Sarajean Ruttenberg Arts Foundation.
Special thanks to JCDecaux.
Public Art Fund is supported by the generosity of individuals, corporations, and private foundations including lead support from Bloomberg Philanthropies, along with major support from Abrams Foundation, the Charina Endowment Fund, the Joseph and Joan Cullman Foundation for the Arts, The Fuhrman Family Foundation, The Marc Haas Foundation, Hartfield Foundation, William Talbott Hillman Foundation- Affirmation Arts Fund, the Donald A. Pels Charitable Trust, Red Crane Foundation, The Silverweed Foundation, and Wagner Foundation.
Public Art Fund exhibitions and programs are also supported in part with public funds from government agencies, including the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature, and the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.