Past Exhibitions

July 1983 - August 1985

Friedrich Gross: Who Will Catch The Ball?

June - December 1983

Anne Healy: Memory Pilgrimage

June 1983 - August 1984

Scott Pfaffman: Artist in Residence

June - September 1983


June 1983 - August 1985

Willie Birch: The Park

May - November 1983

Rosemarie Castoro: Flashers

May - June 1983

Rebecca Howland: Real Estate Octopus and Manhattan Dead Horse

May - June 1983

Williamsburg Bridge Show

April - December 1983

William Tucker: Victory

March 1983

Howardena Pindell: Messages to the Public: Targets

January - March 1983

Brigid Kennedy: Naked Raid

December 1982

Jane Dickson: Messages to the Public

November 1982 - April 1983

Jane Greengold: Artist Garden

November 1982

Bill Sullivan: Messages to the Public

October 1982

Edgar Heap-of-Birds: Messages to the Public

September 1982

John Torreano: Messages to the Public

August 1982

Christof Kohlhofer: Messages to the Public

July - November 1982

Merle Temkin: Castle

July 1982 - March 1983

Tony Smith: Snake is Out

July - November 1982

Kazuko: Artist in Residence

July 1982

David Hammons: Messages to the Public

June - December 1982

Marker for Malevich

June 1982

Terry Fugate-Wilcox: City Wall

June 1982

Matthew Geller: Messages to the Public

May 1982

Thalia Doukas

May 1982

Gina Wendkos

May - June 1982

Les Levine: We Are Not Afraid

May - September 1982

Agnes Denes: Wheatfields for Manhattan

April 1982 - December 1989

Cristos Gianakos: Eclipse

April - October 1982

David Wells: Hunting Caza

April 1982

Ed Towles: Messages to the Public

March 1982

Jenny Holzer: Messages to the Public

February 1982

Johnny "Crash" Matos: Messages to the Public

January 1982

Keith Haring: Messages to the Public

December 1981

George Moore: Sunset Park

October 1981 - April 1982

David Wells: Megacleaners on Field of Storefront Blue Chairs

July 1981 - December 1982

Alan Finkel: View for the Catenary Curve

July 1981 - June 1982

Kit Yin Snyder: Artist in Residence

June 1981 - July 1982

George Rickey: Double L Excentric Gyratory II

April - November 1981

Jack Youngerman: Sculpture Grove

March 1981

Merle Steir: Sculpture-Movement-Sculpture

March - August 1981

California Billboards

October 1980 - September 1981

Alice Adams: Globe

October 1980

Gina Wendkos: Waiting for Fish to Bite

August 1980

Harriet Brickman: Beached Forms: Passages

June 1980 - February 1981

Jene Highstein: Totem

June - August 1980

Stephen Korns: Installation of Floating Lights in Hudson River

June 1980

Eric Arctander: Nieuw Amsterdam Shoreline

June 1980

Sandro Martini

May 1980 - March 1981

Louise Nevelson: Frozen Laces I

May 1980 - September 1987

Richard Haas: Mineral Springs Concession Stand

April 1980 - January 1987

Richard Serra: Arc

April 1980 - July 1981

Richard Serra: T.W.U.

February - March 1980

Marvin Torffield: Volume

December 1979 - January 1981

Isamu Noguchi: Unidentified Object

November 1979

Sandro Martini

October 1979

James Pelletier: NIGHT/LIGHT

October 1979

Jerry Johnson: Oceana

August - September 1979

Linda Howard: Maya

August 1979

Knox Martin: Venus

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