Past Exhibitions

May - June 1986

Betty Klavun: Play Sculpture

May 1986

Komar and Melamid: Messages to the Public: We Buy Human Souls

May - November 1986

Christy Rupp: Social Progress

April - October 1986

Arman: Rostropovich's Tower

April 1986

Kiki Smith: Messages to the Public: Bear Witness

April 1986 - March 1987

David Hammons: Higher Goals

March 1986

Gretchen Bender: Messages to the Public: Military Escalation - Dare to be Stupid

March 1986

Christy Rupp: Messages to the Public: America has a Ticker Tape Worm

February 1986

Richard Foreman: Messages to the Public: Hello, You on Broadway

December 1985

David Wojnarowicz: Messages to the Public

December 1985

Steve Miller: Messages to the Public

November 1985

Bob Colescott: Messages to the Public: Love Conquers All

October - December 1985

David Finn: People In Trees

October 1985

Manuel DeLanda: Messages to the Public: Butterball

September 1985 - April 1986

George Sugarman: Purple and Yellow

September 1985

John Schnell: Messages to the Public: Reciprocal Rotation

August 1985

Grahame Weinbren: Messages to the Public: What's in the Basket?

July 1985

David Finn: Masked Figures

June 1985

Antonio Muntadas: Messages to the Public: This is not an Advertisement

May - June 1985

Les Levine: Messages to the Public: Media Mass

April - September 1985

Alexander Calder: Carmen

April 1985

Martin Potts: Messages to the Public: Courtesan

March 1985

Steve Gianakos: Messages to the Public: Say Cheese

March 1985

John Fekner: Messages to the Public: We are the Target of the Singles Market

February - May 1985

Brookie Maxwell: 42nd Street: A Walk Across

February 1985

Robert Breer: Messages to the Public: Hi Mom

January - September 1985

Vito Acconci: Face of the Earth

November 1984

Jenny Holzer: Sign on a Truck

October 1984

Judith Weller: Garment Worker

September 1984 - April 1985

Ed Rothfarb: Athos

September 1984 - April 1985

Tom Aprile: Family Room With View

September 1984 - April 1985

Elka Gould: Heart Transplant

September 1984 - April 1985

Reflections of an Urban Landscape

August 1984 - October 1985

Mel Chin: Myrrha of the Post Industrial Age

August 1984

Faith Ringgold: Banner of Joyful Mysteries

June 1984

Red Spot: Outdoor Slide Theater

May - November 1984

Henry Moore: Reclining Figures: Angels

April 1984 - June 1985

Owen Morrel: Pilot Bridge

March 1984

Francesco Torres: Messages to the Public: When Boys Play Rough

February 1984

Jack Goldstein: Messages to the Public

January 1984

Ida Applebroog: Messages to the Public

December 1983

Martin Silverman: A Night Out

December 1983 - May 1984

Thomas Faulkner: People Who Live

December 1983 - May 1984

Beverly Pepper: Messenger Series

December 1983 - September 1987

Elliott Kaufman: Holland Tunnel Tree Wall #1

December 1983 - October 1984

Richard Nonas: Spread Sheet

December 1983 - October 1984

Jerilea Zempel

December 1983 - October 1984

Chris Duncan: Water Table

November 1983

Jane Greengold: Bloomsborough and Frames of Reference

November 1983

Barbara Kruger: Messages to the Public

October 1983

Lynn Hershman: Chain Reaction

October 1983

Gary Falk: Messages to the Public

September - October 1983

Eric Arctander: Big Apple Boogie Woogie

September 1983

Stewart Wilson & Linda Donald: Art Cart

September 1983

Michael Smith and Dov Jacobson: Messages to the Public: Mike Builds a Shelter

September 1983 - August 1985

Arlene Slavin: Untitled

September 1983 - February 1987

Dennis Adams: Bus Shelters I

July 1983

Janet Stein: Messages to the Public

July 1983 - August 1985

Dan Witz: Untitled

July 1983 - August 1985

Justen Ladda: Thing

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