Past Exhibitions

September - November 1992


January - July 1992

Martti Aiha: Seven Magic Points

July 1991 - June 1992

Jeffrey Cole and David Schafer: Liberty Prop

July - December 1991

Pit Kroke: Tiko

June 1991

Nils Udo

June - December 1991

Terry Lee Dill: Creative Blindness

May 1991 - September 1992

Roy Lichtenstein: Modern Head

April - October 1991

Robert Ressler: Mantis

April 1991

Robert Ressler: Step by Step
ME Updated Home Grid

February - May 1991

Melvin Edwards: Tomorrow's Wind

February - March 1991

Guerrilla Girls: First They Want To Take Away A Woman's Right To Choose... Now They're Censoring Art

February - April 1991

Barbara Kruger: Untitled [bus shelter posters]

January - April 1991

Gran Fury: Women Don't Get AIDS They Just Die From It

December 1990 - February 1991

Antonio Muntadas: The Limousine Project

December - February 1990

Ann Meredith: BREATH! Women, Children, and AIDS

September 1990 - January 1991

Alan Michelson: Earth's Eye

August 1990

Bob Snyder: Messages to the Public

July 1990

Dina Bursztyn: Telepathic Mailbox and Migrant Letters

July - December 1990

Joel Shapiro: Untitled

July 1990

Artists Against Apartheid: Messages to the Public

July 1990

Martin Wong: Traffic Signs for Hearing Impaired

June - December 1990

Eileen Cowin

June - July 1990

William Fulbrecht: Bill of Rights and Seeds

June 1990

Scott Joyce: Messages to the Public

June - July 1990

Maria Nordman: Untitled

May 1990

Mark Mendel: Messages to the Public

April 1990

David Avalos: Messages to the Public: Intifada

April 1990

Guerrilla Girls: Messages to the Public

March 1990

Linda Montano: Messages to the Public: 1+1=1

February - May 1990

Michel Goulet: Les Lieux Communis

February 1990

Rirkrit Tiravanija: Messages to the Public

December 1989 - May 1990

Sophie Rivera: Revelations: A Latino Portfolio

December 1989

General Idea: AIDS

December 1989

Peter D'Agostino: Messages to the Public

November 1989

Louis Hock: Messages to the Public: 800 BUY With ART

October 1989

Linda Nishio: Messages to the Public: Competitor

September 1989

General Idea: Messages to the Public

August 1989

Anne Bray: Messages to the Public: Single-handedly

July 1989

Barbara Carrasco: Messages to the Public: Pesticides!

July 1989 - March 1990

Joel Katz: Subway Obscura

July 1989

Transit Gets You There

June 1989

Franco "the Great" Gaskins: Untitled (5 Wall Paintings)

June 1989 - January 1990

Jenny Holzer: Benches

June 1989

Mitchell Syrop: Messages to the Public: Make. Be. Leave.

May 1989

Adrian Piper: Messages to the Public: Merge

April 1989

Michael Lebron: Messages to the Public: The Earth Deserves a Break Today

March 1989

Constance DeJong: Messages to the Public: Ally

March 1989

Martha Rosler: Messages to the Public

March - September 1989

Felix Gonzalez-Torres: "Untitled"

February 1989

Marina Gutierrez: Messages to the Public: What Goes Around, Comes Around

February - August 1989

Neil Winokur: Portraits and Objects

January 1989

Robin Winters: Messages to the Public: No Joke/Reasons to Believe

January 1989

Jeffrey Pittu: Messages to the Public

December 1988

Luis Camnitzer: Messages to the Public: Atuophagy

November 1988 - May 1989

Roy Lichtenstein: Brushstroke

November 1988

Josely Carvalho: Messages to the Public: Turtle News

November 1988 - January 1989

Barbara Kruger: Untitled (We Don't Need Another Hero)

October 1988 - June 1989

Willie Birch: For Old Bones and Southern Memories

September 1988

Anne Turyn: Messages to the Public: What if the sky were orange

August 1988

Ericka Beckman: Messages to the Public: Advertisement for GITSO TRUST

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