Times Square
93 Exhibitions

February - March 2017

Various Artists: Commercial Break

July - October 2000

Barbara Kruger: Untitled (It's a small world but not if you have to clean it)

April - May 2000

Pipilotti Rist: Open My Glade

January 2000


August 1990

Bob Snyder: Messages to the Public

July 1990

Artists Against Apartheid: Messages to the Public

June 1990

Joyce Scott: Messages to the Public

May 1990

Mark Mendel: Messages to the Public

April 1990

Guerrilla Girls: Messages to the Public

April 1990

David Avalos: Messages to the Public: Intifada

March 1990

Linda Montano: Messages to the Public: 1+1=1

February 1990

Rirkrit Tiravanija: Messages to the Public

December 1989

Peter D'Agostino: Messages to the Public

November 1989

Louis Hock: Messages to the Public: 800 BUY With ART

October 1989

Linda Nishio: Messages to the Public: Competitor

September 1989

General Idea: Messages to the Public

August 1989

Anne Bray: Messages to the Public: Single-handedly

July 1989

Barbara Carrasco: Messages to the Public: Pesticides!

June 1989

Mitchell Syrop: Messages to the Public: Make. Be. Leave.

May 1989

Adrian Piper: Messages to the Public: Merge

April 1989

Michael Lebron: Messages to the Public: The Earth Deserves a Break Today

March 1989

Martha Rosler: Messages to the Public

March 1989

Constance DeJong: Messages to the Public: Ally

February 1989

Marina Gutierrez: Messages to the Public: What Goes Around, Comes Around

January 1989

Robin Winters: Messages to the Public: No Joke/Reasons to Believe

January 1989

Jeffrey Pittu: Messages to the Public

December 1988

Luis Camnitzer: Messages to the Public: Atuophagy

November 1988

Josely Carvalho: Messages to the Public: Turtle News

September 1988

Anne Turyn: Messages to the Public: What if the sky were orange

August 1988

Ericka Beckman: Messages to the Public: Advertisement for GITSO TRUST

July 1988

Juan Downey: Mesesages to the Public: Information Withheld

June 1988

Dike Blair: Messages to the Public

May 1988

Myrel Chernick: Messages to the Public: Your Hands Are Tied

April 1988

Lorna Simpson: Messages to the Public: Tricks Are For...

March 1988

Janet Henry: Messages to the Public: Eventually

February 1988

Judite Dos Santos: Messages to the Public

January 1988

Richard Prince: Messages to the Public: Tell Me Everything

December 1987

Anton Van Dalen: Messages to the Public: ...because there was no room in the inn

November 1987

Paula Crawford: Messages to the Public: The Story of Actaeon

October 1987

Brenda Miller: Messages to the Public: The Almighty Dollar

September 1987

Candace Hill: Messages to the Public: 1 Claps 2 Claps Understanding Echoes

August 1987 - March 1988

Ann Messner: Meteor

August 1987

Tim Rollins + K.O.S.: Messages to the Public: Everyone is Welcome

July 1987

Jerri Allyn: Messages to the Public: A Lesbian Bride

June 1987

Nancy Dwyer: Messages to the Public: Monster Spot

May 1987

Chris Bratton: Messages to the Public: EVIDENCE Picture This

April - May 1987

Alfredo Jaar: Messages to the Public: A Logo For America

April - May 1987

Ron Jones: Messages to the Public

March 1987

Catalina Parra: Messages to the Public: USA WHERE LIBERTY IS A STATUE

February - March 1987

Rebecca Howland: Messages to the Public: Electric City

January 1987

Lynne Tillman: Messages to the Public: What Are Values?

November 1986

Jon Kessler: Messages to the Public: Nothing

November 1986

Doug Ashford: Messages to the Public: Whose Gov't?

October 1986

Martin Wong: Messages to the Public: IMU, UR2

June 1986

Vito Acconci: Messages to the Public

May 1986

Komar and Melamid: Messages to the Public: We Buy Human Souls

April 1986

Kiki Smith: Messages to the Public: Bear Witness

March 1986

Gretchen Bender: Messages to the Public: Military Escalation - Dare to be Stupid

March 1986

Christy Rupp: Messages to the Public: America has a Ticker Tape Worm

February 1986

Richard Foreman: Messages to the Public: Hello, You on Broadway

December 1985

David Wojnarowicz: Messages to the Public

December 1985

Steve Miller: Messages to the Public

November 1985

Bob Colescott: Messages to the Public: Love Conquers All

October 1985

Manuel DeLanda: Messages to the Public: Butterball

September 1985

John Schnell: Messages to the Public: Reciprocal Rotation

August 1985

Grahame Weinbren: Messages to the Public: What's in the Basket?

August 1985

Randy Williams: Messages to the Public

June 1985

Antonio Muntadas: Messages to the Public: This is not an Advertisement

May - June 1985

Les Levine: Messages to the Public: Media Mass

April 1985

Martin Potts: Messages to the Public: Courtesan

March 1985

Steve Gianakos: Messages to the Public: Say Cheese

March 1985

John Fekner: Messages to the Public: We are the Target of the Singles Market

February 1985

Robert Breer: Messages to the Public: Hi Mom

March 1984

Francesco Torres: Messages to the Public: When Boys Play Rough

February 1984

Jack Goldstein: Messages to the Public

January 1984

Ida Applebroog: Messages to the Public

November 1983

Barbara Kruger: Messages to the Public

October 1983

Gary Falk: Messages to the Public

September 1983

Michael Smith and Dov Jacobson: Messages to the Public: Mike Builds a Shelter

July 1983

Janet Stein: Messages to the Public

March 1983

Howardena Pindell: Messages to the Public: Targets

December 1982

Jane Dickson: Messages to the Public

November 1982

Bill Sullivan: Messages to the Public

October 1982

Edgar Heap-of-Birds: Messages to the Public

September 1982

John Torreano: Messages to the Public

August 1982

Christof Kohlhofer: Messages to the Public

July 1982

David Hammons: Messages to the Public

June 1982

Matthew Geller: Messages to the Public

April 1982

Ed Towles: Messages to the Public

March 1982

Jenny Holzer: Messages to the Public

February 1982

Johnny "Crash" Matos: Messages to the Public

January 1982

Keith Haring: Messages to the Public

September 1977 - December 1982

Alex Katz: Nine Women

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