
About Public Art Fund

Public Art Fund
One East 53rd Street
New York, NY 10022
Phone: 212.223.7800


General Inquiries: [email protected]
Press Inquiries: [email protected]
Research Inquiries: [email protected]
Consulting Inquiries: [email protected]

Artist Submissions

Public Art Fund does not accept unsolicited artist submissions, and we cannot return materials sent by mail.


Public Art Fund’s physical archives dated 1966-2009 are housed at Fales Library and Special Collections located within the New York University Archives at Bobst Library at 70 Washington Square S, New York City. You do not need to be affiliated with NYU to visit the library collection but you will need to set up an account here, and make an appointment to view the archives.

The finding aid for the Public Art Fund archives can be found here. When making an appointment with Fales, we suggest that the specific boxes or folders are requested using the information provided on this page. Additional questions or concerns about visitor access can be directed to [email protected].

For research questions pertaining to projects from 2009 to present, refer to our website or e-mail  [email protected]

Image Requests for Reproduction

To request a high-resolution file or reproduction permission of an installation photograph or artwork image licensed by Public Art Fund for publication or commercial/special use, as well as view associated fees, please fill out this form.
Contact [email protected] for press images, including photographs of current exhibitions. Please provide the name of publication, publication date, and deadline.

Traveling Exhibitions

To inquire about projects that are available to travel, please contact Jessica Kirsh, Senior Partnership Manager, at [email protected].

As a non-profit organization, Public Art Fund relies on contributions from individuals, corporations, and foundations to make extraordinary public art available and accessible to audiences of all ages and backgrounds—at absolutely no charge! Gifts at every level make a difference and are 100% tax-deductible. Thank you for supporting public art!

Support Public Art Fund